EDUROBOTICS 2018 | Dates & Submission

Dates & Submission

Important dates

  • Submission deadline (only the pdf file): July 14, 2018  extended to July 30, 2018 
  • End of reviewing: August 31, 2018
  • Notification of acceptance: September 10, 2018
  • Submission of the final spdf files: September 20, 2018
  • Conference: October 11, 2018

Submission guidelines

The official language of the conference is English. The papers should be between 8-12 pages including title of the paper, abstract, keywords, author’s name(s), speaker’s name, affiliation, e-mail, preference for oral or poster presentation.

We welcome also the submission of short papers (up to 4 pages) reporting good practices or work in progress in the form of “short paper plus poster”. The short papers will be included in the proceedings; the posters will be presented at the conference during the poster session.

The authors should prepare their papers following the Proceedings Guidelines for Authors and can use this Word Template or LaTeX Package 

The papers should be submitted in pdf format by the submission deadline via the EasyChair conference system using the following link: .

Call for papers

Click to download the full call for papers


The submissions will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers and posters will be published in the proceedings. At least one author for each paper or poster must register in the event to present the paper or poster.